
id variable dimensions units long_name
1 enth xc, yc, zeta J m^-3 Ice enthalpy
2 T_ice xc, yc, zeta K Ice temperature
3 omega xc, yc, zeta - Ice water content
4 T_pmp xc, yc, zeta K Pressure-corrected melting point
5 T_prime xc, yc, zeta deg C Homologous ice temperature
6 f_pmp xc, yc - Fraction of cell at pressure melting point
7 bmb_grnd xc, yc m/yr Grounded basal mass balance
8 Q_strn xc, yc, zeta W m^-3 Internal strain heat production
9 dQsdt xc, yc, zeta W m^-3 yr^-1 Rate of change of internal heat production
10 Q_b xc, yc mW m^-2 Basal friction heat production
11 Q_ice_b xc, yc mW m^-2 Basal ice heat flux
12 T_prime_b xc, yc K Homologous temperature at the base
13 H_w xc, yc m Basal water layer thickness
14 dHwdt xc, yc m/yr Rate of change of basal water layer thickness
15 cp xc, yc, zeta J kg^-1 K^-1 Specific heat capacity
16 kt xc, yc, zeta W m^-1 K^-1 Heat conductivity
17 H_cts xc, yc m Height of the CTS (cold-temperate surface)
18 advecxy xc, yc, zeta - Horizontal advection
19 Q_rock xc, yc W m^-2 Heat flux from bedrock
20 enth_rock xc, yc, zeta_rock J m^-3 Bedrock enthalpy
21 T_rock xc, yc, zeta_rock K Bedrock temperature