
id variable dimensions units long_name
1 pd_H_ice xc, yc m PD ice thickness
2 pd_z_srf xc, yc m PD surface elevation
3 pd_z_bed xc, yc m PD bedrock elevation
4 pd_H_grnd xc, yc m PD overburden ice thickness
5 pd_mask_bed xc, yc - PD mask
6 pd_ux_s xc, yc m/yr PD surface velocity in the x-direction
7 pd_uy_s xc, yc m/yr PD surface velocity in the y-direction
8 pd_uxy_s xc, yc m/yr PD surface velocity magnitude
9 pd_T_srf xc, yc K PD surface temperature
10 pd_smb_ref xc, yc m/yr PD surface mass balance
11 pd_depth_iso xc, yc, pd_age_iso m PD depth of specific isochrones
12 pd_err_H_ice xc, yc m PD error in ice thickness
13 pd_err_z_srf xc, yc m PD error in surface elevation
14 pd_err_z_bed xc, yc m PD error in bedrock elevation
15 pd_err_smb_ref xc, yc m/yr PD error in surface mass balance
16 pd_err_uxy_s xc, yc m/yr PD error in surface velocity magnitude
17 pd_err_depth_iso xc, yc, pd_age_iso m PD error in isochrone depth