
Yelmo is dependent on the following libraries:

YelmoX is additionally dependent on the following library:

  • FFTW (ver. 3.9+)

Installation tips for each dependency can be found below.

Installing NetCDF (preferably version 4.0 or higher)

The NetCDF library is typically available with different distributions (Linux, Mac, etc). Along with installing libnetcdf, it will be necessary to install the package libnetcdf-dev. Installing the NetCDF viewing program ncview is also recommended.

If you want to install NetCDF from source, then you must install both the netcdf-c and subsequently netcdf-fortran libraries. The source code and installation instructions are available from the Unidata website:

Installing LIS

  1. Download the LIS source:

  2. Configure the package (where is the desired installation location), and install it in the location of your choice (below defined as $LISROOT). Also, make sure to enable the Fortran90 interface:

cd lis-2.0.18
./configure --prefix=$LISROOT --enable-f90
make install
make install check

Note: make sure to set the environment variables CC and FC, in order to set a specific compiler, for example for gcc/gfortran use the following configure command:

CC=gcc FC=gfortran ./configure --prefix=$LISROOT --enable-f90
  1. Add LIS path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in .bash_profile, .bashrc or .bash_aliases:
# lis library paths

That's it. LIS should now be available to use with Yelmo.

Installing runner

  1. Install runner to your system's Python installation via pip, along with dependency tabulate.
pip install
pip install tabulate

That's it! Now check that system command job is available by running job -h.

Note that install method python install should be avoided if possible to maintain Python system integrity.